Day 14: We’re On Fire!

Seventh day of Fall, Year 2

It’s a new morning, and everyone is already at their limit.


…I’ll just pay the bills, shall I.

Miki: Dagnabbit!

What’s got you in such a tizzy?

Miki: The toilet!

Just unclog it and get it over with! C’mon! Adult up!

Miki: It’s broken! Not clogged! BROKEN! And I need to pee!

Just go pee at the bar!

That’s exactly what she does. Afterwards, Miki starts her diving day.

Some of Miki’s consignments sell.

Despite it’s shortness, today was a good day for dumpster diving!

We got a really good dryer, a microwave, and a TV (BASIC entertainment device)!

Furniture: 1 desk, 1 dryer, 1 TV, 1 microwave, 1 end table, 2 chairs, 3 décor items, 1 trash can, 2 lights, 3 rugs

Collectibles: 1 firefly, 2 beetles, 4 gems

Bought: 1 more counter

And then the lighting goes wonky as Miki’s cooking dinner.

Miki: …uuuuuuuhhhhhhh?

What’s going on?


Miki: …fudge biscuits.


Miki: Now is not the time to panic.



Miki: Don’t worry. I got dis.

Miki: Back, fire! BACK!


Miki: Stop panicking! I gotta focus!

Miki: Man, this stuff smells GOOD!


Miki: Omnomnomnom!


Miki: THERE! It’s done. Finished. Out.

Why isn’t the stove burnt to high hell?

Miki: I dunno. Now, I need to fix a toilet, then eat.

Which is exactly what she did.

Reaching Handiness level 3 in the process.

Done yet?

Miki: I’m cleaning it now.

…I really need to paint, don’t I…

Afterwards, she just grabs some safe yogurt from the fridge.

Miki: If it’ll stop you from freaking out, then sure.

Shut up! >.<

Finally, the house is back in working order. Miki sleeps the sleep of the well-deserved.

…I’m still so confused about the stove!!

The final seconds of Autumn fall away, revealing the harsh, cold reality of Winter. Will Miki succeed? Will she overcome her challenge and finally be given a respite? Possibly…

# Words: 391
# Images: 23

SimNaNo 2019
Total Words: 18,002
Total Images: 1,160

Day 13: This is What Happens When You Don’t Read the Manual

Sixth day of Fall, Year 2

Miki spends her morning as any other morning this year: dumpster diving.

She only gets a reprieve in the bathroom.

Miki: Go AWAY!

We STILL haven’t gotten the last of the money for consignments. So what do we do? Why consign more things! Of course!

Starving, tired, and dreadfully unlucky, Miki still chats with Ruby.

Ruby: You and that watcher-damned machine!

Miki: Please just take my stuff so I can have dinner.

Ruby: Fine, fine.

Miki comes home to a flooded house.

Miki: Why, dishwasher? I thought we were friends! DX

Shouldn’t you mop up first?

Miki: Why?

So you don’t get electrocuted!

Miki: Nah. I got dis.

Miki: This does get old fast, though.

…don’t die, don’t die, don’t die, don’tdie, don’tdie, DON’TDIE, …


Miki: Told you I had it!

Miki has learned Handiness!

Miki…what’re you doing now?

Miki: …nothing?

Not funny, Miki!

Miki: I’m just tinkering!

 It’s 2 am. Get to bed.

# Words: 161
# Images: 12

SimNaNo 2019
Total Words: 17,610
Total Images: 1,137

Day 12: Jam Away

STOP! Read Day 11 FIRST!

Fifth day of Fall, Year 2

It’s Spooky Day yet again!

Miki: Uh-oh. I just got a bad feeling about today.


To avoid sucking at her “job”, Miki briefly takes up the guitar.

You sound like a cat in a dog’s mouth! 😡

Miki: Fudge biscuits! You messed me up! I gotta start again now! 😡

Miki: Maybe being outside will help?

It can’t make you any worse!

Miki learns Guitar!

Miki: I’m magically better! 😀

…you’re still making my ears bleed. :/

Miki: I’ll get this! Just you WATCH ME!

Please no. Dumpster dive instead.

Miki: You’re no fun.

I like my ears.

Kimmy: I like darts.

Apparently the last one WASN’T the last of Miki’s consigned items. Is this it? I do not know.

Today’s haul is quite a bit better than yesterday’s. Particularly that nice bookshelf!

Furniture: 1 bookshelf, 1 chair, 3 lights, 3 décor items, 2 wall items

Collectibles: 1 firefly, 1 butterfly, 1 beetle, 2 gems

# Words: 162
# Images: 11

SimNaNo 2019
Total Words: 17,450
Total Images: 1,125

Day 11: I’m Feeling…Brave?

Fourth day of Fall, Year 2

And what are you up to this fine morning?

Miki: Just getting in some reading.

So many comfortable chairs…

Miki: I like the fresh air.

Soooo…what’re you reading?

Miki: Cooking! 😀

Well done!

Cooking level 2!

Miki: You know what I’d like now?

…what? >.<

Miki: I wanna talk to somebody.

*Note the dark, expanded storage areas.

…wait. You’re actually LONELY!? Ladies and gentleman hell has frozen over!

We get word that Miki’s sold the rest of her consigned items, so we’ll have to make another stop by at some point.

After a quick shower, Miki actually heads INTO Waylon’s Haunt for a bit of a chat.

Miki: Uhm…so…what’s up?

Flawless socialization.

Kimmy: Happy hour’s over. Don’t expect me to give you a discount just because you’re cute.

Miki: Wut?

Miki: Oh, I don’t drink! I was just wondering if we could hang out?

Kimmy: Yes, I’m single. I like long walks on the beach and my favorite movie is You’ve Got Mail.

Miki: …why are you making this more awkward than it needs to be?

*eating popcorn*

Miki: Lemme try again. Have you got anything against astrology or are you more science-minded?

Kimmy: I’m a Leo, if that’s what you’re asking.

Miki: …I’m a sandwich. I don’t think we would’ve worked out.

Way to love ’em and leave ’em, kiddo! XD

Kimmy: I’m more of a cheesesteak kinda gal. You get what I’m saying?


After that disaster of a conversation, Miki returns to her sanctuary of solitude that is the dumpster.

Miki: That was the single most embarrassing thing I’ve had to deal with.

I thought it was funny! 😀

Miki Rebelled up!

Miki: Actually…I feel different.

…different how?

…oh. Huh.

Miki: Wasn’t expecting this!

Miki: Actually! I think I could talk to Kimmy again! 😀

…let’s not.

Miki: Yeah! Nothing can stop me now!

… *still in shock*

Miki: What a head rush!

…why don’t you head home for now?

Miki: What about you?

I’ll be along shortly.

I wanted to check on Kimmy.

Instead I find the bar more packed than it’s ever been! And two vampire lovebirds.

…they both look up to something.

Vampires: He/She gets me!

Meanwhile, in the back…

Kimmy: Darts be my thang!

Dude: I’m so awesome! Yeah, I am!

Since Miki didn’t dumpster dive for very long, the haul today is super small.

Furniture: 1 chair, 1 bench, 2 décor items

Collectibles: 1 firefly, 1 gem

Lookit you! All on your own and making dinner! :3

And getting better at it!

Miki makes it to Cooking level 3! 😀

After a better-than-normal (aka unburnt) dinner, Miki tumbles into bed.

# Words: 444
# Images: 29

SimNaNo 2019
Total Words: 17,288
Total Images: 1,114

Day 10: Skilling Up

Third day of Fall, Year 2

Even with the promise of riches and rewards, Miki is a simple girl at heart.

What’re you doing down there?

Miki: Being awesome.

Yes! Yes you are! 😀

Miki learned the Cooking skill!


Miki! Horrible waffles are NO clapping matter!

Miki: I did a thing! 😀

After that later-than-usual start, Miki makes it to her dumpster.

Miki…I think we need to talk, Miki.

Miki: ‘Bout what?

…your expectations.

She’s still diving by the time evening starts threatening.

The sale of the second spire cut tiberium! Woooooooo! 8D Moolah!

Miki: …I don’t get it! It’s just a rock!

Shhh, do not question.

I don’t think we’re doing too badly! Worth over $44,000 and have over $16,000 in the bank! NICE!

Miki: I’ve been doing this for hours! I want food now! Buffalo wings!

…how about NO. You can head home and eat something.

TABLE! That’s one more basic down. And ANOTHER bookshelf!

Furniture: 1 table (BASIC), 5 chairs, 3 end tables, 1 bookshelf, 2 couches, 2 décor items, 1 wall item (don’t worry, we placed it right after this shot), 1 light, 1 frisbee

Collectibles: 1 firefly, 3 beetles, 2 butterflies

Miki takes a shot at repairing the dishwasher.

Miki: This actually isn’t as terrifying as using it! 😀

…you’re making me nervous.

Miki: Jam a screwdriver in places, see if something wiggles a way it shouldn’t, repeat.

Please don’t die. O_O

Miki: Huh, my arms are getting tired of twisting this. And I’m hungry. Break time!

Just don’t fry yourself. That’s all I ask.

Apparently, Miki isn’t as good at cooking as she is at fixing broken things.

Miki: Hush! This isn’t as easy as it looks! 😦

Those look disgusting!

Miki: Hey! I’m proud! I made these myself!

…good job. 🙂

We try fixing the dishwasher again.

Miki: Ahah! It WAS this fiddly bit!


Let’s not push our luck. Especially with you Feeling Unlucky.

Miki: Yeah. Probably for the best. Night!

Good night. 🙂

# Words: 333
# Images: 19

SimNaNo 2019
Total Words: 16,844
Total Images: 1,085

Day 9: A Lazy Start Pays Off

STOP! Read Day 8 FIRST!

Second day of Fall, Year 2

Miki: I need fat stacks of cash to get my private island…

Yup. Wanna start working on that?

Miki: Food first.

Miki: First it all goes into the chopper thingy.

Miki: Then I give it another good mixing, just to be sure.

Miki: And now…THAT thing? O_O

It’s called an oven. You can do it.

Miki: Okay. Okay.

I believe in you.

She does alright. Nothing burns down, so I’d call that a success!

Miki: …did you need something?

Just wondering if you secretly have the Loves Outdoors trait. Carry on.

The plate goes in the trash.

Then Miki grabs her bills.

Miki: Do you think I’ll have bills on my island?

Not sure…maybe if you need electricity?

Miki: What about taxes?

Probably…I’ve got no clue who you’d pay them TO, but probably.

After the meandering start, Miki heads out to dumpster dive and make all her dreams come true.

Miki: Another shiny! 😀

My precious! >:)

It’s a small haul today, because it was a late start and an early end.

Furniture: 1 light, 1 chair, 2 décor items

Collectibles: 1 firefly, 1 butterfly, 1 metal, 1 gem

An early end because Miki’s taking those gems to the elixir shop! Like, RIGHT NOW!

Move it!

Miki: I’m on it!

Miki: Don’t mind me, just cutting up shiny rocks.

The dreaded full moon rises over an unsuspecting city.

Miki: We talked about this. No more Dramatic Voice!

>.< *pouts*

Miki: …I think it’s jammed.

It better not be! 😡

Miki: Greetings, Ruby!

Ruby: Oh, watcher, the stink-kid is back. :/

Yes, her name is Ruby and not, in fact, Sunglasses. Pity.

Miki: Just sell my stuff and I’ll leave.

I think that’s even more than the first one! 😀

Ruby: I took your shit. Now get out.

Miki: You’re not very nice.

Ruby: And you smell like garbage.

Unfortunate truths can still hurt.

Spooky Day’s coming up. And that means Winter is closing in once more.

Miki: Imma make soup since it’s getting colder.

…that’s mac & cheese.

Miki: Shush! It’s cheesy soup!

Did you just kick over my flamingo!?! You did! You bitch!

Zombie: Y u so mad?

You look familiar…Brandy? Are you Brandy the Bartender?! :O

Zombie: Deeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrp!

…maybe not.

Shades Zombie: I’m so cool I wear my shades at NIGHT!

Shades Zombie: Can you balance a soccer ball on a beam of light? No? Let’s face it, I’m cool.

# Words: 408
# Images: 29

SimNaNo 2019
Total Words: 16,511
Total Images: 1,066

Day 8: Just Sitting in the Dark

Guess what?! Miki met the word goal last chapter! We’re officially over 15,000 words! The picture goal is 1,500, so we’ve still got a ways to go to fulfill that one, but one out of three goals complete isn’t bad!

SimNano 2019 Update:

Word Goal: 15,000 -> complete!
Image Goal: 1,500 -> just hit 1,000
Chapter Count: 1 chapter per day -> 1 week left of July!

First day of Fall, Year 2

Miki: I’m so tired I don’t even CARE what I’m picking up.

Yeah, apparently napping on the couch doesn’t improve energy that much. :/

Miki gets a quick meal in, before heading off to a dumpster much closer to home.

Miki: So WHERE is this dumpster?

Really close, actually. ^_^

I tried to paint the house. We ran out of money REAL fast.

Miki: Waylon’s Haunt! Home of Brandy!

And the new girl, Kimmy Knott! …it just doesn’t have the alliteration that Brandy the Bartender does.

Really! It’s just right across the street from the home lot!

HERE’S a better picture! 😀

Miki? Where’d you go?!

Miki: Huuuuuuuerk!

Ah. Carry on then.

Miki gets some more money from consigning things.

Miki dives. The new bartender plays foosball instead of bartend.

Miki: I Rebelled up! 😀

The collectibles haul is nothing to write home about.

However we do pull out another dryer to sell, a guitar to skill on, and a food processer! Along with the regular bunch of seating and tables.

No bed though.

So I finally cave and buy Miki one. It’s the best we could get though, so she should sleep pretty well.

Miki: So I just dump it all in like this?


Miki: And press puree?

Yup! That’s literally the only button you will EVER need on those things! *learned to cook from trial & error*

Miki: And then it goes into the bowl…

Looking good.

Miki: And it magically becomes salad! 😀


It’s even Normal quality! I’m so proud! :’)

A bajillion chairs inside and you sit out in the dark. What even?

Miki: I enjoy having the stars over my head.

Fair enough.

Miki: Oh, gosh! So soft! :O

And it’s all yours! Sleep well!

A sailor saunters towards Miki, his accent unmistakably French.

Against the dying light of summer, his uniform is crisp, well-defined.

His murmured words of endearment are a welcome aid to her battered pride.

Together they walk through the street market. Stalls selling ruby tomatoes and amber carrots, topaz peppers and emerald broccoli.

Further down, merchants shout about the freshness of their fish. As some of them are still writhing on boards, Miki can only agree.

Dark clouds, heavy with rain, are gathering on the horizon. But the storm is still a ways out at sea. There’s still time.

Miki wants memories. Memories of her French sailor for later. Memories of the market and the storm. Of the idyllic little port town she’s found herself in.

The sun dips beneath the ocean, and, as if on cue, music streams through the air, encouraging all who hear it to dance.

The stars reflecting off the water dazzle Miki.

Then the smell of crepes creep from a nearby café into Miki’s nose, swiftly leading her down the street.

Along with her crepes, Miki enjoys a fresh cup of coffee. The bitter tang is a nice contrast to the sweetness of the crepes.

Sweet and bitter tastes dance on her tongue, as the oranges of sunset and the blues of night swirl into a kaleidoscope before her eyes. And Miki sleeps on.

# Words: 593
# Images: 33

SimNaNo 2019
Total Words: 16,103
Total Images: 1,037

Day 14: Desperately Trying to Stay Positive

STOP! Read Day 13 FIRST!

Seventh day of Fall

Miki: It’s so cold, I can’t read the paper because I’m shaking so much! 

Well, there’s a fire– 

Miki: Never mind, I warmed myself up. 

… >.< 

Miki: Why am I going this way? I just want to talk to Plant. 

Because I found something cool that you need to interact with. 

Miki: It’s just a seed. 

No…it’s your future. 

Miki: …my future is cold, damp, and moldy. 

…try to think positive. 

Miki: You’re right! It’s a beautiful day, the birds are singing, and I may be smelly, but I’m still alive! 

Atta girl! ^_^ 

Miki: I’m gonna study whatever I can and be a productive member of society!

…good job. 

Miki: I don’t even care that I’m slowly freezing and can’t feel my toes anymore! That just means I’ll die standing up! 

Slow down. O_O 

Miki: …somebody killed Mr. Jack… T_T 

…I will end them and all they care for… 

Miki: …it’s okay. I found a new friend. 

Miki: I will miss Mr. Jack. He taught me the roots & vines of all secrets…I just didn’t get it until just now. 

… Gardening level 8 people… 

Miki: I will miss all the friends this cruel world takes from me. 

Miki: Dinner time! 😀 

Notice that Plant the Peppermint is still doing amazingly well. That Plant is the sole reason Miki hasn’t died of social starvation. She hasn’t interacted with anyone else since Brandy the Bartender. 

Miki ends her day with some more studying, with a break for the traditional pissing herself. 

We say farewell to Mr. Jack, who barely lasted half a season. We also say farewell to Fall, with its chilly rains and shy breezes. 

Winter is coming.

# Words: 280
# Images: 14

SimNaNo 2019
Total Words: 5,598
Total Images: 331

Day 13: Vampire Eyes and Creepy Places

Sixth day of Fall

Still reeling a bit from the previous night’s escapades, Miki lights a nice, warm fire. 

Miki: Is it just me, or is it getting colder? 

That’s typically what happens around this time of year. 

Oh, honey…I wish we could. 

To distract her from such impossible wishes, Miki gets sent hunting for collectibles. 

She finds seeds… 

…and strange, open gates… 

…something called a Vampire’s Eye… 

Miki…where are you going? 

Miki: The Eye compels me… 

Miki! Snap out of it! 

Miki: But…I must… 

Miki: Down and down and down I go…where I’ll stop…I don’t know… 

Oh this does NOT look good! O_O 

Miki: …huh… Not what I was expecting. 

Miki: A toilet?! This close to Hidey Hole?! Where have you been all my life?! 

…*thinks about all the self-urination that has now become tradition* 


Oh really?! 

Miki: Yeah, like…it’s a pretty strange counter…I bet you could cut meat on it pretty well, though. 

… O_O 

Needless to say, we leave shortly after that particular thought. 

Miki: You know, the junkyard is almost like a second hidey hole. It’s cozy and familiar. I know all the sights and smells. Like a second skin. 

Yup. Smells…like you. 

And then someone comes snooping around, Miki panicks and bolts! Taking the book with her. 

She reaches Gardening level 7! 

Miki: I can’t! My brain’s so worn out now! I’m so tired of living like this! 

Miki: I wanna bed! 

Miki: I wanna house! 

…all good things to those who wait? 

Miki: I want NOT-fish! *gobbles it down anyway*

…someday, you’ll have all of that. 

I promise

The stars through the clouds glimmer with…possibilities.

# Words: 268
# Images: 21

SimNaNo 2019
Total Words: 5,318
Total Images: 317

Day 12: STRIKE TWO!!

STOP! Read Day 11 FIRST!

Fifth day of Fall

It’s Spooky Day today! 

That means Miki’s only got two weeks left before she ages up. We better get cracking! 

But first…! 

A glorious morning shot of Miki’s Hidey Hole. Picturesque, if I do say so myself. 

Miki: …zzzz…shut it. 

Running out of time for skilling, Miki hits the lake and gets to Fishing level 6! 

Miki: What happens after this? 


Miki: Like…what happens when I age up? 

…you become a fully fledged adult in society. Including a typical 9-to-5 and enough responsibilities to guarantee insanity or suicide by the time you’re thirty. 

Miki: …oh. 

Miki: …the fire looks especially friendly today. 

Alright, that’s enough! Down into town you go! 

Miki hits up the only hotspot in town: the junkyard. 

Why are you reading in the dark? 

Miki: Because curfew just rang and I’m hoping they won’t see me if the light’s off. 



Miki: Oh, WATCHER, it smells in there! You’d think they’d air it out, at least! 

Officer Nameless: The parasol keeps the fumes at bay. 


We’ve got to be very, VERY careful from here on out. Miki’s only got one strike left. 

With the rain pouring around her, Miki sleeps a fitful sleep. Her Watcher keeps a silent vigil.

# Words: 205
# Images: 11

SimNaNo 2019
Total Words: 5,050
Total Images: 296