Here at the End, in Three Parts

Here we are! The 50th post and the end of our journey! It’s been great! Thanks for joining me, and have a great rest if your summer! ^_^

1 – Dream a Little Dream of Me

Miki: Ah, working out at the gym is pretty relaxing!

You’ve never been to the gym in your life!

Miki: Zzzzz…Zzzzz…

Well…that was anticlimactic.

Miki: I’ve never seen one that big.

Say WUT?! O_o

Miki: …diamond…

Miki: I better clean it.

Miki…you’re making me uncomfortable.

Are…are you gonna wake up now?

Miki: Zzzzzz…five more minutes.

No! Get up!

Miki: Fine, sheesh! I’m up!

Happy birthday, Miki! ^_^

Miki: …wut?

Miki: It’s my birthday! Really?!

No, it’s some other runaway redhead’s birthday. Of course it’s your’s, you twit! XD

Miki: Does that mean…?

Yep! Today is ALL yours, kid! Go do what you want!

Miki: Oh, man! I’m gonna eat ice cream, and play guitar badly, and skate, and never go NEAR a dumpster EVER AGAIN!

Whatever you want, today is yours.

Miki: Oh no.


Miki: Car.

Yes, you’re in a car.

Miki: *whispers* And there’s a stranger in it with me! O_O

… *sighs* Get outta here! I’ve got a house to rebuild. >.<

2 – Intermission

House Redesign!

3 – A Day All for You, Doll

So, what’ve you been up to this whole time?

Miki: Cutting gems! 😀

On your day off?

Miki: I really, REALLY like this machine. :3

Whatever floats your boat.

Miki: What about you?

Oh…you know…interior decorating…exterior decorating…real estate…the usual. >.>

Miki: That’s cool! Imma play guitar now!

You LOOK like you got better…but you don’t SOUND like it. 😐

Miki: *crooning like a tone-deaf country star*

That’s all I want too, Miki. So please do it soon. :/

Oh, thank watcher! That’s Guitar level 2! :3

Awwww, that’s so cute! You’ve got your own groupie!

Balding: Play it again, Sam!


Miki: Don’t judge him! He’s old!

That is NO excuse!

Sure thing, kid.

Miki: You scared him off! 😡

No, I didn’t! He’s old! He probably wandered off somewhere!

Good! Now, can you stop?! PLEASE?!

Guitar level 3! Woo!

Miki: Fine.

Hey! My ears were bleeding!

What are you doing?

Miki: I’m hungry and I need to pee, but this thing is broken, so I need to fix it before I can pee, please go away!

Well, shit! Don’t mind me, fix away! 😀

Miki’s up to level 3 in Handiness!

Miki: You know…I’ve had a thought.

Always dangerous.

Miki: Just listen!

Miki: What if I upgraded something around here?

…I don’t think that’s allowed…but we’ll lock it in.

Miki: I love you! ^_^

Yeah, yeah, get home so I can show you the new house. >.>

Miki: Woah. That’s waaaaaaaay different!

Thank you! :3

Miki: Have these steps always been here?

…yes, Miki. >.< Yes, they have.

I like this door. It’s one of my favorites! :3

Miki: You have a favorite kind of door? Out of what?

The catalog.

Miki: What catalog?

THE catalog. You know…well, I guess you wouldn’t. But THE catalog. The only catalog I can order stuff from since…

Miki: Since what?

…since I can’t use a phone! >.<

Miki: What’s the catalog for?

Mind your capitals on that! And it’s for building stuff.

Miki: Building?

Yeah, I don’t just watch. If there’s no rules, I can also build.

Miki: That’s kinda cool! 😀

Miki: Ah, sweet food storing device! …you look different.

No, that should be the same. But maybe it’s the lighting.

Miki: Yeah, that’s DEFINITELY new.

Miki: Mmmmmmm-mmm!

What’re you eating tonight?

Miki: Salad! I’m not risking burning this down right when I’m ready to leave!

Good girl. 🙂

Miki: So, about that catalog thing…

What about it?

Miki: Well, what else can you get?

A lot of stuff. Doors, columns, foundation, flooring, windows, beds, toilets…pretty much any kind of furniture or appliance. Lots of stuff.

Miki: That’s really cool! Could we’ve used that last year?

Miki: I’m not mad.

Uhm…yes and no.

Miki: Huh?

You still have to pay for it. And it can get REALLY expensive REALLY fast.

Miki: Oh.

And sometimes there’s laws I have to follow, even if you have the money.

Miki: Huh…ewwwwwwww!


Miki: Salad went bad.

Welp…trial by fire?

Miki: Yup.

Miki: Okay…tomatoes…garlic…oil…


Miki: Oh, right!

Miki: And now…the stove.

The stove. *shudders* Don’t burn the house to the ground.

Miki: No promises. This thing doesn’t like me.

Miki: You got this, Miki!

You can do it! 😀

Miki: Okay…so far so good.

Miki: Hey! It even smells good! 😀

Miki: I didn’t burn the house down!

Good job! 🙂

Miki: So, what kinda laws do you have to follow?

Huh? Oh. Uhhhhh…

Miki: Don’t stop talking! This is the most you’ve EVER talked!

Well…you know how laws can differ between places you go?

Miki: Sure.

Well, for me, it’s more a state of mind. Like, it’s not places that laws change, but perspectives.

Miki: That…I don’t get it.

It’s more abstract than a physical place. Don’t worry about it.

Good meal?

Miki: Pretty good! 🙂

You better clean out the fridge. That salad just started to reek.

Miki: Got it!

And now…

Miki: What?

Happy birthday, Miki! 🙂

Miki: Woooo! I can finally LEAVE!

You absolutely can! 🙂

Miki: I can sell this house! 😀

Miki: I can get my own private island! 😀

A deal’s a deal! 😀 The world is yours! Your life is yours!

Miki: And I never have to rummage in another dumpster EVER AGAIN!

If that’s what you want! Here’s looking at you, kid! :’)

Miki: Wooooooo! 😀

Of course, we still have to get the house sold, cash the funds from that, buy an island, and then buy a ticket TO that island, but hey.

Miki: WHAT?!

Miki: Woooooah! Sparkles!

Miki: Is it done?


Ahah! There we go! 🙂

How do you feel?

Miki: Not much different.

Miki: But whatever! Come what may! I’m ready! 😀

That’s my girl! :’)

Of course.

Well, you were forced to grow up faster than most people…and you ARE going to sell your house, and everything in it, to purchase a little island out in the middle of the ocean. 😉

We’re leaving this house to the flamingos! XD


Miki’s skills include 4 Cooking, 3 Guitar, and 3 Handiness, for a total of 12!

The final lot value of the furnished house is $72,092. Plus Miki’s funds of $4,343 gets us up over $76K.



Miki: I’m magic! 😀

You’re…something, all right! O_o But that DOES say you’re worth $78,435…where’s that extra $2k coming from?

Miki managed to get over 60k in LifeTime Happiness points! But that’s WITH the glitch of her LTW. :/

You know what! Whatever! It doesn’t matter!

Miki: Huh?

Let’s blow this city! We’re getting you a one-way ticket to a tiny little place I know out in the middle of the ocean! Come on! 😀

Ladies and gentlemen! Miki Rains!

Miki: Hasta la vista, Bridgeport! It’s been something! 😀


+191 for furniture (non-Basic) placed
+42 for Basics dug up
+14 rooms bigger than 6 squares
+76 for every $1000 net worth ($72,092 + $4,343)
+12 for each skill point earned (4 Cooking, 3 Handiness, 3 Guitar)
+0 for Miki maxing out the Rebel social!
= 335 points

# Words: 1,172
# Images: 68
Goals met! (15,000 words and 1,500 images)

SimNaNo 2019
Total Words: 25,836 -> SimNaNo Boost!
Total Images: 1,526 -> SimNaNo Boost!
Update Count: 50!

6 thoughts on “Here at the End, in Three Parts”

    1. Miki will return at some point. I’ve got another challenge lined up for her. I want to get a decent ways into it before I post it, but so far it’s been really fun! :3
      I’ll post here once more when that’s ready to go, so you won’t miss it!
      Thanks for reading! ^_^

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